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EU Threatens US Control Of Net

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#1 x2p


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Posted 01 October 2005 - 12:30 PM

EU deal threatens end to US dominance of internet
By Kieren McCarthy
September 30, 2005 08:12 GMT

A dramatic last-minute deal drawn up by the EU may mark the end of the US government's control of the internet.The UK, acting as European representative, stunned delegates from around the world during a late-night session on Wednesday when it produced a series of paragraphs that effectively outlined the end of the US-created internet infrastructure.

It called for a "new co-operation model" that would not only oversee public policy matters but also create procedures for changing the internet's "root zone file", managers of country domains (such as .uk or .de), create a new arbitration service for the internet, and produce rules to cover the domain name system (DNS).

In essence, a new version of the current overseeing body ICANN and an end to the US government's overall control of the DNS. The US was scathing about the proposals, within minutes telling delegates that it "can't in any way allow any changes" that would prevent it from having overall control of the internet.

The next day, the US ambassador David Gross remained equally unimpressed. "It seems to me to be a potentially historic shift in policy by the European Union - to be a much more top-down, 'governments should control technical aspects of the Internet' approach," he told us. "Something that as you know is not the policy of the United States."

Source:The Register

#2 Visentinel


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Posted 01 October 2005 - 02:42 PM

I might get some bad flames for this, but i agree, the US should not be allowed to control the internet in any way, the Internet has to be a 100% free entity only managed by the different country's not owned or controlled by any single nation, and to much of the internet is currently relying on American equipment and backbones, their has to be more infrastructure in some of the other country's to balance out the structure, if anything really bad happen to America, the interntet would to badly crippled.

#3 Shaun



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Posted 01 October 2005 - 03:19 PM

I agree with Vis, and also would like to add that everyone knows america is pretty much disliked in the east. If power were spread out, it would perhaps show these countries that america isnt one big power hungry monster and that this kind of true international cooperation can only benefit everyone.

#4 Neon



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Posted 01 October 2005 - 03:25 PM

My view is that over the EU i would prefer the USA, the EU is a bunch of corrupt polititians, with scams and plans to remove peoples rights.

I know this as my uncle showed me some real frightening stuff, believe me...they are like BIG BROTHER, everything you do will be so closely watched.



Now you tell me...also more servers are over there.

As for security, i think sometimes America goes over the top with things, but i also believe in the saying, better safe than sorry.

#5 Visentinel


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Posted 01 October 2005 - 03:38 PM

Well you see enough, Learn Enough and Hear Enough to know that the USA Government and its Military / Pentagon system is Riddled with Corruption and Secret Black Op Operations, God know what the hell the US has in some of those secret underground Facilities.

But its safe to assume the Russians and the EU has similar things going on, as-well as the Chinese.

However the USA shakes its Iron Fist way to often, Recent Events in these last few years just proves my latter Point.

I have gone Head-to-Head with a very good Friend who lives in the USA and he outright refuses to acknowledge some Evidence concerning 911 and some rather " Interesting Facts "

Mainly, the one where the damage to the pentagon was supposedly that of a Boeing Airliner Crashing into it, yet the damage is more that of a Bunker Buster Missile, see it was just a hole in the side, a Real Airliner would have levelled at least 80% of the entire Pentagon LOL.

I must be crazy saying this in a forum filled mainly by US members :)

Theres Another one, if you guys want to hear it ?

Edited by Visentinel, 01 October 2005 - 03:40 PM.

#6 Neon



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Posted 01 October 2005 - 03:45 PM

American Secret OP's
*Radio Bleeps* Moving in Sir
*Radio Bleeps* Ok take him out

Actually i think the Americans would prefer a missile to a Plane, the fact an airliner went into that building shows them just more open to any attack, i think they honestly suffered on 9/11 and also many people would CLEARLY speak against it.

I watched a BRITISH documentary on 9/11 and photo's clearly showed remains of an plane, footage showed more things, since the pentagon with-stood the attack quite well, building designers are now looking to copy certain building designs from it.


#7 Visentinel


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Posted 01 October 2005 - 03:59 PM

Well theres another 2 things i can tell you then.

The wreckage at the pentagon was just weird, firstly their was wreckage of a standard Turbine engine, but when you compare the size of it vs a man in the tape, its Bloody tiny compared to a photo seen of a real turbine engine with a man standing near it.

second thing, the When the Twin Towers finally came down, their was Demolition style explosions at each floor as the towers came down.

I know that the American public suffered greatly, it was tragic watching it on TV and its still tragic today, i know 2 people on my MSN whom i talked to on the day who live in New York, one guy had a webcam and showed me what it looked like outside fro mthe window.

He also sounded rather horrified.
Its tragic.

But i defiantly think theirs a Serious conspiracy going on surrounding 911

Also since when do terrorists let you call family members to say goodbye ?
Their is something Sus about the actual planes used to hit the towers, they seem to have a US military marking on them... so that begs the question, if the plain is a passenger liner, why would u need to prove theirs people on the planes, but if their is the question that it may be a military Boeing Jet at least you have Reasonable Doubt when u mention " But people called of the plane before the accident "


Edited by Visentinel, 01 October 2005 - 04:02 PM.

#8 Neon



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Posted 01 October 2005 - 04:03 PM

American Secret OP's
*Radio Bleeps* Moving in Sir
*Radio Bleeps* Ok take him out

So the fact that reporters sent back footage of planes hitting it, i don't think anyone not even Bush would set that up, also it affected their economy a lot, then as well Osama Bin Laden and his terrorist network took credit.

#9 Visentinel


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Posted 01 October 2005 - 04:17 PM

The Plot Thickens.

Bush and the BinLaden Family have Close Ties.
Who knows what They Cooked Up.

The economy took a hit, but imagine if the US couldn't use that to invade Iraq to Secure Oil ? Your economy would be hit even worse. !

And the Markings on the planes when they hit the towers, are vaguely visible, but they are visible.
Only Military used Boeing jets have them, its a bump on the bottom of the fuselage near the nose of the plane, try enlarging the video if u can get a avi of it, and check out the 2 planes that hit, both have it.

If you don't believe a word I'm saying, at least please check out some footage and checkout the bottom of the fuselages of those 2 planes, then tell me something isn't Sus about that :)

Posted Image

Edited by Visentinel, 01 October 2005 - 04:12 PM.

#10 Neon



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Posted 01 October 2005 - 04:45 PM

Tell me how that is a hoax mate, no PRE explosions or anything, just a crash and then that mess, one inparticular shows it well...


#11 clarky3429


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Posted 01 October 2005 - 09:41 PM

oi - lets get back on topic :S it would prolly be best if control is spread out in more of a vote situation rather that this country or that one

#12 RedInferno


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Posted 01 October 2005 - 10:14 PM

:P Those pictures were kinda weird....

Anyways, now with the US controlling more and more and tapping people, they are invading our freedoms.

#13 Shaun



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Posted 01 October 2005 - 11:08 PM

almost EVERY government is tapping our freedoms, so i dont think we can say that one is worse than another - just some are better at keeping it secret that anothers i suppose.

Personally, having US\UK Dual citizenship i would say that america goes over the top with some stuff however I do believe that the UK isn't doing enough of the right kinda thing because we have a lot of hippies that stand in the way.

People moan about ID Cards, but frankly if you've nothign to hide I dont see the problem - you could say the same about carrying a driving license, or a passport or hell even a student ID card. Fact is, being the biggest the USA is the most publicised.

This is why i think everything should be shared out, I dont agree one country should hold the majority due to corruption which undoubtedly happens everywhere

#14 RedInferno


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Posted 02 October 2005 - 12:05 AM

Yeah, but the US is getting worse because they have only started doing it now, which means they are changing, which means they are sticking to their word in the constitution.

#15 clarky3429


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Posted 02 October 2005 - 12:19 AM

our constitution states the state and federal governments may only legislate in certain areas, which provides a bit of balance, and if our constitution wants be changed it goes through at least 5 different voting processes. both houses of parliament, 51% of australia, majority of states, and unuqiely affected states must vote yes. I like our set up of lawmaking.

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