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A couple of 911 Vids

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#76 clarky3429


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Posted 11 October 2005 - 04:34 AM

i think a lot of the reason people make up weird theories is becasue they are hurting and need some sort of closure...they need to blame some1 to move on..

#77 Visentinel


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Posted 12 October 2005 - 04:07 PM

the flash occurred and dissipated before the nose hit the wall and the ignition flashes form the wings occurred MS's before the flash also.

the timing is all wrong.

and The modifications are visible on all 4 networks. and the firemen claim they heard the towers coming down with floor by floor explosions, like detonations

#78 ShadowFox


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Posted 12 October 2005 - 05:35 PM

But then again how DID the planes get cleared for launch?

#79 theman


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Posted 12 October 2005 - 07:58 PM

View PostVisentinel, on Oct 12 2005, 09:07 AM, said:

the flash occurred and dissipated before the nose hit the wall and the ignition flashes form the wings occurred MS's before the flash also.

the timing is all wrong.

and The modifications are visible on all 4 networks. and the firemen claim they heard the towers coming down with floor by floor explosions, like detonations
This was also in the morning, when the sun was facing the towers. Sunlight also can reflect off of shiny surfaces- such as a jet. :) You might have also noticed the jet was in a bank, so the wingtips were rotating. And even if they did have a missle for some reason, that still wouldn't explain air traffic controllers, other aircraft on the ground and in the air, from noticing. Each jet was also commercial, so you have many, many people checking all possible parts on the plane, i.e. mechanics, mechanic foremen, supervisors, pilots, etc. Also it wouldn't be worth the time as a jet crashing into a tower is plenty enough to level it, especially in this case.

And about the floor by floor explosions, if you have researched the structure of the WTC, they used weak main steel supports. When you have one explosion created by a massive tank with hundreds of gallons of fuel and tons of reactive chemicals, it creates superhigh temps strong enough to easily- and instantly- melt metal. They had this problem with the first attacks on the WTC in the 90s. If you crash an airliner with a massive amount of fuel into a weak structure, the explosion would just about melt the floor it crashes on, and keep falling, level by level. There was a detailed structural investigation on the WTC after the attacks if you remember too. Also, I know some of these things as I work with pyrotechnics/gas explosions.

Edited by theman, 12 October 2005 - 08:06 PM.

#80 RedInferno


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Posted 12 October 2005 - 07:59 PM

Wow, theman, thnx for that info..good insight!

#81 theman


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Posted 12 October 2005 - 09:54 PM

Thanks..i love going on intellectual rolls every now and then :)
Although it is kind of easy to see past the whole idea of a missile on a 747 lol.

Edited by theman, 12 October 2005 - 09:57 PM.

#82 RedInferno


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Posted 12 October 2005 - 11:38 PM

Air force one has missiles, doesn't it? I know for sure it's not unarmed.

Ever considered social sciences or philosophy, theman? You'd be good at it.

Edited by RedInferno, 12 October 2005 - 11:42 PM.

#83 ShadowFox


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Posted 13 October 2005 - 03:50 AM

He's opinionated, as are all of us... I just tend to lean toward vis' side on this but theman has good points too... I'm looking for closure and we maybe getting close to finding out an answer.

#84 theman


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Posted 13 October 2005 - 06:23 AM

Thanks Red! :) I love both of those, just not enough for a career. I'm not sure if Air Force One has any sort of defense; it would make sense...but you've gotta consider that it was made exclusively by Boeing under special conditions, so whatever they did probably took a long time. Both airliners that crashed into the WTC were both commercial, took off from normal airports, went through all checklists/inspection before takeoff, etc. They were from the actual companies, not from some goverment source. Think about it..how could you possibly build an entire missile launching system, meaning total rewiring/concealing of a missile/installing completely different systems onboard, then bypassing every possible check and inspection...plus, convincing most people on all the jets to call their relatives talking about people who looked Arabic, with boxcutters, telling them they were being hijacked.

Also let's take into consideration that our own government DID plan this whole thing. Why attack the Pentagon then? :blink:

Oh yeah, and let's not think about what Bin Ladin has done in the past..like threating and attacking various countries, not just our own, for the past decade or so. They attacked the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, the USS Cole in Yemen, in 2000, the commuter train bombings in Madrid, Spain in 2004, and possibly the subway bombings in London. Thousands of people have been killed because of these attacks, all directly linked to the organization.

If you research Al-Qaeda, you can find some pretty interesting things...recently I checked out a training manual confiscated from an operative planning to blow up the Manhattan Bridge. It's pretty intense! They consider all Westerners a blood enemy; they especially hate our letting people from many ethnicities and backgrounds live in peace in our country. Their primary goal is to "free" all of Islam from Western influence (or anything that does not apply to strict Islamic law), and create one empire through jihad, or holy war, and they should not care about who they kill, it is all for the same purpose. They want every single person under this empire to abide to strict Islamic law, or be put to death. This also applies to our current occupation in Iraq. Before, the country was under control of Al-Qaeda, where they were killing all sorts of people, putting on mock trials and executions of the public...

Anyways my point is, I would definitely not put it past Al-Qaeda for attacking the WTC, because they have already attacked us, they have a small army of people who have been trained to attack us, they have a mindless vengance on us, and they have been and will keep trying to attack us. They're terrorists!

#85 ShadowFox


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Posted 13 October 2005 - 12:11 PM

Terrorists is true, they are terrorists, but did they ever find eveidence that it was IN FACT and plane that hit the Pentagon? WHATEVER it was that "attacked" the Pentagon could very well have been staged for the simple fact to MAKE it look realistic. Bin Ladin could have a lot to do with this too though. You are right about them in wanting to rid the world of all non-islamic people and don't abide by the strict Islamic laws... holy war and all that, aww isn't it sweet the things they do for jihad??? No, I believe most of this is set up. It could just have easily been another group or person that created those plans then confiscated.

YOu have some good points but there are still holes to your theories, as there are in ALL of our theories, because that's all they are until they find ACUTAL proof of all of this then these will all only be theories.

P.S. I am just making room for arguement... I love hearing his views and opinions on this :blink:... besides I was talking to someone the other day and told them about the planes having no windows and someone said... "Well couldn't they have just checked the rubbled for pieces of glass?" I seriously had to walk to the bathroom to keep from laughing... some people ROFLMFAO

#86 Nvyseal


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Posted 13 October 2005 - 04:53 PM

Oh good, i see theman has a reply coming! :blink:

#87 ShadowFox


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Posted 13 October 2005 - 05:04 PM

... ohhh boy I'm in for it now aren't I lol

#88 theman


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Posted 13 October 2005 - 05:50 PM

But why would the government attack it's own building? :blink: You might want to check out this video of actual footage of bin Ladin and some other terrorist leaders. They talk about dreams and visions of planes crashing into buildings, how proud they are of the operatives who crashed the planes saying they were martyrs, and how Allah completely supports the attacks. Here's an interesting part:

(inaudible...) we calculated in advance the number of casualties from the enemy, who would be killed based on the position of the tower. We caclulated that the floors that would be hit would be three or four floors. I was the most optimistic of them all. (inaudible...) due to my experience in the field. I was thinking that the fire from the gas in the plane would melt the iron structure of the building and collapse the area where the plane hit and all the floors above it only. This is all we had hoped for.

Allah be praised.

And later on, part of a rant from Shaykh:
...Thank Allah America came out of its caves. We hit her the first hit and the next one will hit her with the hands of the believers, the good believers, the strong believers. By Allah it is a great work. Allah prepares you for a great reward for this work.

Okay now tell me that Al Qaeda didn't attack the WTC. :)

#89 RedInferno


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Posted 13 October 2005 - 08:02 PM

Lol, theman, All I can say is AWESOME insight...I am learning things I never knew before.

#90 ShadowFox


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Posted 14 October 2005 - 03:37 AM

So I take it you don't believe tha Bush REALLY wanted us to go to war and you don't believe that the Bush and Bin Laden families are close?

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