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Anyone For Golf??

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#1 Guest_scaramonga_*

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 05:08 AM

Anyone like Golf?

I like playing for real but have alwayz found PC golf games a bit bland?

Well I spend a lot of time over at Albatross18.......its a great community and a great take on the world of Golf in gaming.

Characters are based on 'Anime' but don't let that put you off......there is a real challenge in this game and a ladder to climb. The better you play......the more you earn to improve your character......yes you can jump the gun by actually buying things also.........but I find it more fun to earn as you go.........the game has its own currency as well........great graphics and skilled play make for a good game of Golf indeed.

Best of all.........it's FREE!.........and no fancy graphics card required.......maybe if a few are interested then we can have a good challenge together sometime??......... :P

God I sound like a spammer there?.......LMAO!!.......... :talker:

Anywayz.........just thought I'd mention it...........I've been playing for weeks and still ain't good enough.......LOL!!


You have to register and then download the client software.

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